I’ve been reading online and in my baby books that I’m suppose to start feeling you kick somewhere in between the 16th and 20th week. As the weeks past, family and friends began asking me if I felt your first movements. The answer was no every time. I figured maybe you’re just not a very active baby or that extra fat layer I developed from eating too many tater tots at lunch prevented me from feeling your first kick. I knew you were in there, I just couldn’t feel you.
Boy, did that change this week. Last Wednesday night while I was lying in bed reading, I felt a little butterfly in my stomach and immediately knew it was you. Since then you’ve been kicking NON STOP. First thing in the morning, while I’m at work in the afternoon and in the evening when I’m relaxing. While I enjoy feeling you move around in my belly, your non stop kicking has prevented me from falling asleep at night to waking up extra early in the morning. I guess you’re preparing me for the lack of sleep to come.
Whoopie Pies!
Remember last week when we were craving Whoopie Pies? Well, since we can’t get these delectable PA Dutch desserts in California, your aunt Val and I decided to bake them ourselves. After spending over 2 hours baking, we were finally able to enjoy our creations. The recipe we followed made close to 20 Whoopie Pies and of course after one Whoopie Pie our craving was satisfied. Now, we have 15 Whoopie Pies sitting in our fridge.
Aunt Val loves her Whoopie Pies:
Go Eagles!
During the 3rd quarter when SF was making their comeback you started kicking like CRAZY. Uh oh, I hope I’m not creating a 49ers fan!
What you crave this week:
Honey Smacks - Digg Um!
YEAH.. congrats! I am so happy for you!
Dear Nakasone Chan,
I'd like to set the record straight. Mommy's cravings for pizza and whoopie's pies were orginally Aunt Val's cravings. Fortunately, Mommy did all of the work for making the whoopie pies while Aunt Val read on the sofa. Aunt Val is the creative source and Mommy makes it happen!
Aunt Val was nice enough to get Mommy a sausage sandwich at the game so Mommy did not fall down the steps and injure you.
Aunt Val loves you (even though I don't even know you)!
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