Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pregnancy Week 35 - Saturday January 17th, 2009

Dear Nakasone-Chan,

24 hours in the hospital is not fun. Constant monitoring all day and night tied with peeing in a bucket was pretty miserable. However, I will say that the food wasn’t really that bad although they skimped on the portion size. Come on, I'm pregnant... bring on the food! Today was pretty much spent watching television, updating my family and browsing the internet.

The 24 hour screening ended at 2pm followed by a series of blood work. Based on the results of the urine test and my blood work would determine whether you would be born today.

A couple hours later my doctor informed me that there was 2.5 grams of protein in my urine. Yay we passed! However, they did notice high levels of toxins in my kidney (another symptom of pre-eclampsia). Based on the results she felt it was ok to send me home on bed rest. Since I was still at a high risk, I would have to continue to come into the hospital every other day for fetal monitoring to make sure you’re still ok. In addition, I would still have to collect my urine at home and bring it in with me to make sure the protein level was still consistent.

I was so relieved to hear that we were both ok to go home. We were released from the hospital around 6pm.


1 comment:

Nikki said...

great story...keep writing! good ciff hanger